Breast Cancer Awareness Month is in full swing, and, whether or not you’ve been keeping up with the American Cancer Society’s initiatives this October, it’s not too late to get up to date. In case you didn’t hear about the 12th annual Taste of Hope, I served as the survivor honoree this year to speak out about my battle with cancer and give hope to those who are still fighting it.


My experience with the disease has made looking out for the signs of cancer a key focus of my work with Arianna Skincare, so I’d like to go over a few ways you can stay alert this season. Once we get into the different ways you can put breast cancer on your radar, I’m going to go over a few tips for being mindful of your body and caring for your skin throughout the month.

As we dive deeper into the details of breast cancer this October, it’s important to pay attention to the measures you can take to decrease your risk of becoming affected with this disease. The first step when fighting an illness of this magnitude is to increase your awareness of breast cancer and then use your knowledge to help the women in your life do the same every day.

If you want to start checking yourself regularly for the warning signs of this disease, you can follow the same routine that I carry out every month in front of the mirror after I shower:


  1. Check for any lumps or thickening in your underarm area
  2. Check your nipples and look for any sores, peeling or change in their direction
  3. Check your nipples for discharge fluid
  4. Look for any of the following changes in your breasts:
    1. Dimpling, puckering or bulging of the skin
    2. Nipples that have changed position or become inverted (pushed inward instead of sticking out)
    3. Redness, soreness, rash or swelling

You should always call your MD and ask to get checked out if any step seems unusual.


what to look for on breast self-examination


Once you’ve got the hang of these tests, you can help save lives by talking about them with the mothers, aunts, sisters and daughters in your everyday life. This need for awareness goes beyond being in tune with your own body, as you can help others pay attention to cancer symptoms like rashes and sweating at night, so they get checked out by doctors immediately.


My experience with lymphoma taught me that even though you may be young and healthy, you should commit to being tested every few years to steer clear of cancer and other illnesses. As a survivor who developed cancer as a teenager, I can’t emphasize more how important it is to be aware of yourself and do your best to control your body in your everyday life. The time I spent rebuilding my life after fighting cancer also showed me how challenging it is to grow out your hair, go back to work, and take better care of your skin after this traumatizing experience. Whether you’re dealing with scars and discoloration after an aggressive cancer treatment, or you simply want better ways to take care of your skin, look & feel!!  


While I was going through chemotherapy and radiation, my skin became flaky, dark and dry, and I started to develop stretch marks and scars all over my body. I created a few products designed to help cancer patients, survivors and people with sensitive skin after my recovery, so anyone who has a weak immune system or simply wants to take care his or her skin can do so in a natural way. My experiments resulted in a combination of my Ultra Exfoliating Body Treatment and Ultra Rich Mineral Body Butter, which are a healing cocktail of skincare products ideal for current and past cancer patients as well as people of all ages with skin problems.

The body treatment exfoliates your skin by removing dead skin cells, while the minerals in it stimulate blood circulation after they’re absorbed into your skin during the soaking step. Given that it helps skin disorders by improving the skin lipid barrier and replenishing your body’s natural moisture, this product works well in conjunction with the body butter. Its rich, creamy formula heals and hydrates, so you can use these two solutions to reduce the appearance of scars, wrinkles and more to create healthier skin no matter your health conditions or age.

When you’re ready to give these two products a try this month, we’re giving away this amazing  full body spa treatment for 50% off, where $1 of each purchase will be donated to Ellie Fund.

I would be happy to share more information about recovering from cancer treatments, preparing your skin for autumn and getting involved in breast cancer research, so please don’t hesitate to leave your questions for me in the comments below to make the most of your time this October.




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